Robust dry bag especially for the internal storage system. Ideal for clothes, sleeping bag and tent.
Buckle for fixing several drybags.
Diameter: 25cm
Length: 105cm, of which usable 82cm
Capacity: 40 litres
26,00 €
Umsatzsteuerbefreit – Kleinunternehmer gem. § 6 Abs. 1 Z 27 UStG zzgl. Versandkosten
Drybag for the internal storage system.
2 colors to choose from
Out of stock
Product ComparisonRobust dry bag especially for the internal storage system. Ideal for clothes, sleeping bag and tent.
Buckle for fixing several drybags.
Diameter: 25cm
Length: 105cm, of which usable 82cm
Capacity: 40 litres
Weight | 0,5 kg |
26,00 €