Waterproof round (75mm diameter) repair patches for flexible materials.
Can be used to repair packrafts, tents, air mattresses, etc.
Should be with you on all outdoor tours.
11,90 €
Umsatzsteuerbefreit – Kleinunternehmer gem. § 6 Abs. 1 Z 27 UStG zzgl. Versandkosten
5 waterproof stickers with 75mm diameter. This can be used to repair cracks and damage to boats, tents, rubber boots or waterproof jackets on the spot.
Peel off protective paper and stick patches over the damaged area.
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Product ComparisonWaterproof round (75mm diameter) repair patches for flexible materials.
Can be used to repair packrafts, tents, air mattresses, etc.
Should be with you on all outdoor tours.
11,90 €